Sunday, May 29, 2011

LET ME RE-PHRASE...My NeW sWaG like...i hate shopping.

well....let me re-phrase.  for those who dont know not your average person.  i will not be in the fancy dress section at whatever place you buy those things and you wont spot me buying high dollar pumps.  i dont even think that youll find me in the girls department on most occasions.  once, my mom put me in a dress when i was like 6 and i "accidentally" spilled juice on it.  can you freakn believe that?!?!?! 

BOOM!  i got to wear shorts instead.  thats kinda how i roll.

three stores youll most likely find me at:
1.  DICKS...i love dicks. (hmmm...thats weird.)
3.  Barnes and Noble

1.  love love love this place.  speaking of my love for dicks (winkface). today i bought the sweetest gear.  this is why i when payday/gift cards/reward cards all come at the same time.  CHECK OUT MY NEW SWAG!!!!! 
most awesome shoes and laces
compliments of sarah ; )

sweetest shorts ever!!!!

 2.  i love boys...t-shirts that is (DUH).  they are way cooler than anything in the girls section on any day.  girls clothes always have some like flower or sequin sh*t on them anyways.  or they come in pastel colors or Vneck.  BOOF!  besides right next to the boys section is the toy section.  next to the toy section is the athletic section.  BAM. pure AWESOMENESS.  you know whats next to the girls section anyways....take a guess...ill wait....(as i hum to myself...)

yeah...i know....PURSES.  GEH!  

3.  now i hate reading, but i love this store bc they have a book for everything.  i hate reading, but i love all the sweet puzzles and art things and hands on things they have.  this store is awesome!  did i mention that i hate reading?  however, i do like their magazines bc they are they have every magazine from sports illustrated (swimsuit edition...thank you) to art magazines to running magazines....DUH!

retail therapy is stellar.  i highly recommend it.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

ItS cOmInG tOgEtHeR

ok.  things are beginning to come together and make SOME sense.

first, i must say, i hate doctors.  ok..i dont hate them, but lets be real.  id rather be thrown into a tank of piranhas, than step foot into a doctors office.  its like this...why pay all this money to someone you dont know to tell you things you dont want to here?  think about it?

i am all "doctored" out for the rest of the year.  i keep rushing my days along to get these things all over with bc its taking up unnecessary space in my brain.

i need my foot yesterday.  i want to know why my ankle continues to hurt.  i want to know why it swells when i do NOTHING.  i want to know why its sore to walk, especially whenever i have to change directions.  i want to know if this is going to affect my training.  i doubt tho...cuz my pain threshold seems to far out-do that of most normal people (insert evil sneaky mean face here).

the other doctor, yeah, im tired of her too.  you know that little white mouse that repeatedly runs around in those mazes looking for the cheese...thats how i feel with her.  i think its a test.  my brain is always on "hyperfocus" mode when i go there.  or i feel like it is, despite whatever she says.  im trying extra hard to do something that isnt normally easy for me.  funny tho...cuz the other day...HA...i threw her for a loop.  

weird lady-0

my point of these thoughts (tho way off topic) is this...
***after avoiding the piranha tank and accomplishing these silly "fears" of mine...(well let me clarify, they are NOT fears.  im not afraid...i can just think of better/less invasive ways to spend my afternoons).  ...i talked to a wonderfully awesome friend of my (whom you all know quite well) and she said 5 little tiny words that made a HUGE difference to me.  "I AM PROUD OF YOU."

i dont know why (well maybe i do) but i took these words and held them. i thought about them and processed them.  really?  did someone really say that to me?  i wasnt sure how to respond. i was caught waaaaaay off guard.  i wanted time to think and absorb, but i didnt have time.  i wanted to say something meaningful and appropriate, all i could manage was a plain and simple "thank you."  SHEESH...really amy?!?!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ToGeThEr....or NoT tOgEtHeR...?

heres a riddle:

...or maybe its a story with lots of details, but without the main idea...?

you know when like...well.  ok.  so.  something is playing tricks on me.  it wont make up its mind.  its frustrating bc it could determine alot for me in the next several days.  i could be headed for some drastic changes.  i hope so.  but then...for the other circumstance...i hope NOT.  i do not adapt to change well.  so when the curve balls start coming, ill take a deep breath, close my eyes, and swing.  BAM! lets hope for a HOME RUN in both circumstances. UBER impatient and really want to know ALL of my outcomes...LIKE NOW!

Im ReAdY tO jInX mYSeLf...

im afraid and sorry to admit...but i cant help myself.  i deserve to celebrate, right?

this week is awesome so far-so let me break it down.  its awesome for me-and at this point, thats all i care about.  selfish?  yeah, maybe?

i total 7 kids in my class on daily basis.  oh, piece of might think?  NO.  see your wrong already.

background:  special education. emotionally disturbed children. conduct disordered children. ADD/ADHD.  anger management issues.  sleep disorders. bi-polar disorders.  depression.  oppositional defiance.  runners (and by runners, i dont mean racer-runners.  i mean let me run around campus so that my teacher will chase me-runners). post-traumatic stress name it, we got it.  it makes for a very interesting mix of i mean children.  well, my 7 kids this week have miraculously dwindled to 4.  thats right-4. aaaaand no, no children were harmed in the making of this SUPER AWESOME week.

im not proud of why i am at only 4.  but i must say...ITS BEEN GREAT!  ive had one suspended, one hospitalized, and one that cant make it out of time-out.  its sad actually.  but when you have CHAOS all year long, youll gladly accept any break you can get.  it feels good, for once, to not: restrain, get beat up, and cussed out by 10 year olds.

so all in all.  that is why i have had two great days.  i know at some point, my glory will fade.  my dreams with disappear.  and ill be slapped, yet again, in the face by my awesome friend...REALITY!   but until then, i must say, i will enjoy my break.

BRING IT DAY 3! alien is lost (for those who have read one of my previous blogs (frowny face)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Da' Battle...

Ok. you know when you have those fights with yourself that you N.E.V.E.R win?  ok.  good.  i thought you did.  then, go ahead my friend, read on...

fighting with yourself is exhausting! yeah, it sounds ridiculous, im well aware if that.  now this is an ongoing process, but i will explain a typical day in the brian (see) BRAIN of amy.

this morning i snoozed/turned my alarm off 6 times.  then while showering i nearly (and by nearly i mean pretty much did) put soap in my hair instead of shampoo.  upon exiting the shower...i had no towel.  im afraid to say, but i managed to get it together...until....

on my way to work i attempted to turn left at a red light.  ooops. yeah, fault, but WhAtEvEr!  at work, i parked in the wrong spot.  my spot is 78.  i took over spot 79, which belongs to mrs. evans.  didnt even realize it, until my phone rings to tell me to MOVE!  i get out to my car....and yep...forgot my keys.  so back to the classroom i go.

while in my meeting...waiting for my turn to speak, i realize i forgot my report.  of course!  EMBARRASSING=YES just a lil.

after lunch, i printed my kids science work, got distracted by something else, then when it came time to work, i couldnt find it.  i searched that whole STUPID FREAKN room for that stupid freakn "plant" story.  UNBELIEVABLE!  but whats more where i found it.  YEP, still in the printer.

its only gets better...

i went to the office to make copies of my kids point sheets and upon stepping foot in the office, realized i didnt even bring them with me.  AHHHHHHH!  super frustrating.  then upon FiNaLlY making copies, and all the commotion of the day, i didnt even distribute them to my kids.  when i decided i had had enough "torture" today, i left work.

but not before....yep, you guessed it, LEAVING MY CAR KEYS IN THE CLASSROOM!!!!!!!!!!

SHEESH.  and at this point, though its not like me to do this, sure i have "forgotten" to mention all the CrAzY things that happened today.

just sayn-anyone wanna trade my heads?  brains? anyone?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ToDaY...and the rest of the week

need i say that im super glad today was my friday.  its getting there.  i lost count...maybe 30 days left.  this morning i was 12 minutes late to work.  even tho i am an ADULT (dee) im never on time.  its in my blood to be late.  im good at it.  i have consistantly mastered the art of tardiness.

well i got what i deserved today bc upon arrival, i was on the go!  KARMA. and damn you karma bc you get me EVERY single freakn time...i had to chase my student (who was avoiding punishment for kicking the bus aide) to mountain road...IN THE RAIN.  yes...IN THE RAIN.  then upon catching him...we struggled.  i REFUSED to take him to the ground amongst the puddles and mud, so i suffered the trauma and butt whooping again from a nine year old...AGAIN.

so when is enough-enough?  never at VREC.  not til june, july, and august.  anyone who complains that teachers have all this time off and that we shouldnt complain, clearly dont get it.  well....i guess, my school is all but normal, but still.

NOW-the grand finale...and a more positive note...

"its my friday aaaaaand ill cry if i want too..." (sound familiar?)  naaaaw.  i aint cryn cuz im goin to the DERBY tomorrow.  a fun filled weekend of horse racing, drinking, partying, and bourbon trail  hoppin'.  i will not think about school for an entire 4 days. (i wont even call to check in on my kids like i normally do when i take off).  why?  u ask.  cuz this week...I DONT CARE and i dont mean that in an evil way, i mean that in the sense that if i want to keep my sanity i will block it all out.  this weekend is for me.  its a reboost to get thru the next 6 weeks.  i cant wait to socialize, see old friends (actually...i dont really have any), tailgate, stalk out celebrities, and laugh at protesters who try to preach...well...religion-to put it nicely.  maaaaaan.  i forgot bout those nut-jobs.  i could fight with them all day.  SUPER an usual kind of way.

PS...the alien (with no name) will be gettn pictures out soon.  woot woot!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

If My BrAiN threw-up...

it may look something like this:

 im ready for a vacay.  home is not exactly where i want to go.  the derby is coming this weekend.  mixed feelings.  i wanna play with fireworks.  actually i want to go to the river,  not teaching summer school.  celebrity dresses are super ugly.  my phone needs to charge.  im thirsty and want a capri sun.  we only have berry left...not a fan.  dr.s appointment tomorrow-arg arg and double arg.  made a list to pack, but feel like its not adequate.  lists and post-its are my life.  need to finish next weeks lesson plans.  im cold-its freezing in here.  super super tired.  want to go to belle isle.  my brakes on my car are bad sounding.  everytime i lay down to nap...i think of 50 things to do and have to jump up and do them.  i need to sweep.  trash can needs to come up.  need to take off my bike rack.  my foot hurts.  i need some water.  i have to complete a re-evaluation by friday-aaaaaand i wont be at work thursday or friday.  HMMM.  let me just say:  poor planning on "yalls" part, does not constitute an emergency on my part.  thanks guys.  jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj   ooops.  i was watching TV and had my finger on the J key.  didnt even know it.

 focus focus focus-i will make a smoothie tomorrow after my swim.  swimming is hard. speaking of swimming...the man next to me today made me feel like i was swimming in a tsunami.

dont you hate it when your brain and your body dont function together.  sux.  my brain is like falling asleep and my hands keep typing.  i wish i had a reese egg.  i freakn love those!!!

i need to stand up like now.  gotta go!


not sure y i just signed my own blog...i think i thought it was an email.  oh well....

Sunday, May 1, 2011

meet....well, he doesnt have a name?

Pro Shot
i decided that i am going to take my little friend with me, running, swimming, biking, around the house, in the car...u name it and he'll be there.  but dont worry...ill keep you up to date on his journey...

 his profile shot
secretly loves running, but would never tell anyone that
sippin' on some J

PoLe DaNcInG...

in my inbox??????
id like to say that i am currently (as in the entire life of my blog) unable to figure out how to post on someone's blog.  so i do read them...just for the record.