Tuesday, May 17, 2011

ToGeThEr....or NoT tOgEtHeR...?

heres a riddle:

...or maybe its a story with lots of details, but without the main idea...?

you know when like...well.  ok.  so.  something is playing tricks on me.  it wont make up its mind.  its frustrating bc it could determine alot for me in the next several days.  i could be headed for some drastic changes.  i hope so.  but then...for the other circumstance...i hope NOT.  i do not adapt to change well.  so when the curve balls start coming, ill take a deep breath, close my eyes, and swing.  BAM! lets hope for a HOME RUN in both circumstances.

...im UBER impatient and really want to know ALL of my outcomes...LIKE NOW!

1 comment:

  1. I know what two things you are talking about...I am proud of you for facing the one - head on and strong. It could be a very good thing.
    The other, you promised me you would be honest and I know you won't break that promise, and either way, I will be here and you will be fine.
    Love you!
