ok. things are beginning to come together and make SOME sense.
first, i must say, i hate doctors. ok..i dont hate them, but lets be real. id rather be thrown into a tank of piranhas, than step foot into a doctors office. its like this...why pay all this money to someone you dont know to tell you things you dont want to here? think about it?
i am all "doctored" out for the rest of the year. i keep rushing my days along to get these things all over with bc its taking up unnecessary space in my brain.
i need my foot fixed...like yesterday. i want to know why my ankle continues to hurt. i want to know why it swells when i do NOTHING. i want to know why its sore to walk, especially whenever i have to change directions. i want to know if this is going to affect my training. i doubt tho...cuz my pain threshold seems to far out-do that of most normal people (insert evil sneaky mean face here).
the other doctor, yeah, im tired of her too. you know that little white mouse that repeatedly runs around in those mazes looking for the cheese...thats how i feel with her. i think its a test. my brain is always on "hyperfocus" mode when i go there. or i feel like it is, despite whatever she says. im trying extra hard to do something that isnt normally easy for me. funny tho...cuz the other day...HA...i threw her for a loop.
weird lady-0
my point of these thoughts (tho way off topic) is this...
***after avoiding the piranha tank and accomplishing these silly "fears" of mine...(well let me clarify, they are NOT fears. im not afraid...i can just think of better/less invasive ways to spend my afternoons). ...i talked to a wonderfully awesome friend of my (whom you all know quite well) and she said 5 little tiny words that made a HUGE difference to me. "I AM PROUD OF YOU."
i dont know why (well maybe i do) but i took these words and held them. i thought about them and processed them. really? did someone really say that to me? i wasnt sure how to respond. i was caught waaaaaay off guard. i wanted time to think and absorb, but i didnt have time. i wanted to say something meaningful and appropriate, all i could manage was a plain and simple "thank you." SHEESH...really amy?!?!
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