1. ....the driver in front of me politely waved a car on, then proceed to cuss him out and flip him the bird for makin him miss the light.
2. ...a student kindly asked his teacher to "PLEASE...shut the "F" up.
3. ...at recess, a student shoved another into a metal beam...followed by the words "im sorry...that your a little B and that i had to shove you into the post"
KINDNESS: the quality of being warmhearted and considerate and humane and sympathetic
on a serious note, my job does NOT offer many opportunities to be kind. i secretly (bc its not cool to admit it), try each and every day to perform three acts of kindness at work. its something im working on. whether its being kind to my students, someone else's students, or other staff...i try to do THREE nice things each day. i want to make the place i work at-a pleasant and calming environment. i am well aware that this task is WAAAAAY to large for one person, especially at my school, but i figured it has to start somewhere.
sometimes (ok-alot of the time), it sucks waking up every morning, knowing that my day will probably be rough---and in more ways than one. but, i have three goals each and everyday that i try to meet. one: be a positive role model for my seven wonderful students. two: provided them a fair opportunity to learn-something that other schools did not offer them. three: develop their social skills so that they can, some day-i hope, be a productive and successful member in society.
Well said, and a great goal. So proud of you!